Many people believe that it will take a lot to fix what has been done. Global warming has taken a toll on our world, and there are necessary steps that need to be taken to correct this. According to an article in Science Daily, the steps we need to take begin and end with a global cooperative force.
When writing in the journal, Science, researchers say that "nations alone are unable to resolve the sorts of planet-wide challenges now arising." The researchers are calling for a cooperative global committee to deal with the issues we are facing, issues which existing governments and institutions cannot deal with alone, says the article.
The researchers pointed to issues that need global action such as "ozone depletion (the Montreal Protocol), high seas fisheries and antibiotic drug resistance" and they even said that enforcing compliance may be necessary. They make an interesting point when identifying that laws and rules may need to be set in order to accomplish change, a point that I agree with.
"Energy, food and water crises, climate disruption, declining fisheries, ocean acidification, emerging diseases and increasing antibiotic resistance are examples of serious, intertwined global-scale challenges spawned by the accelerating scale of human activity,” say the researchers, who come from Australia, Sweden, the United States, India, Greece and The Netherlands.
They say that these issues are happening too quickly for institutions that are attempting to fix them. They are just simply not able to keep up. It is apparent that cooperation and collaboration is the key to overcoming these issues and making a change.
The article goes on to make a point that I find to be very poignant and valid, the main challenge is getting countries to agree to take part in global institutions designed to prevent destructive human practices.
The United States considers itself to be a powerful country, and there needs to be an effort put in place that would use our power to bring together countries for the cause of helping to maintain and fix our environment.