Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How Comparative Environmental Policy Class Has Effected Me

During this semester in my Comparative Environmental Policy class at the University of Connecticut, I have researched, studied and read on the history of environmentalism in our country, current research and policies toward climate change and even implemented my own study on public opinion on climate. I feel that I have gained large amounts of knowledge that have led me to be a more informed and educated citizen during a time where my opinion and knowledge matters.

As we all know, our world is in a state of decline, whether it a question of our values or the way we go about our everyday lives, action needs to be taken in order to sustain and improve the quality of life and the quality of our environment.

After being in this class, I have noticed key changes in my day to day life that I feel are a direct result of what I have learned. This leads me to believe that through education we can make the public more aware of the situation. But I have also learned that one must want to learn and want to change in order to uphold what they have learned.

Over the past three months, I have used my knowledge in conversation and in my practices. While they may be little changes, every little bit counts. I have decreased the use of my vehicle, carpooling with room mates when possible and walking to class on nice days. I implemented passive solar energy habits such as opening the blinds to let the light in.

Also, I purchased a window insulation system that will cut down on energy consumption. I have also been more aware of my paper towel and one time use water bottle usage. But most importantly, my ideology has changed and I now am more aware everyday of my contribution to the world. I think that it is important that every person who can, become educated on the world around us in order to make this world the best place it can be!

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